The time has come for me to start posting blogposts. I may be late to the game but I think the whole "a wizard arrives precisely when he means to" thing applies here. So first, a bit about me:
A software developer by trade, I've been playing table top RPGs for nearly 10 years. Not many to some but more than many. I started with D&D fourth edition then quickly regressed through third, second, and then to advanced with OSRIC, B/X with LOTFP, and now back to the future with fifth edition D&D. I've stumbled my way to competency as a dungeon master and in doing so I've honed a love for writing rules, map making, worldbuilding, and heavy weird fantasy. Aside from TRPGs I nerd out about all sorts of niche things and my collection of hobbies are vast. Hopefully I'll be able to explore some of those here.
This blog, as I intend to keep it, will be a place to share my DMing tips and OSR creations. Keep an eye out for Homerules and the fruits of running custom settings. One of which – The Black City – is a sprawling anarchist city crawl in a weird, dark fantasy victorian-ish London. I look forward to sharing more of that as I am very happy with how developed it has become.
I am also excited to begin sharing early details about a "Space Cowboys" game I've been plucking away at for some time now. It's an RPG inspired by Star Wars, Firefly, and Cowboy-Bebop among others. After many revisions the rules are coalescing into something tight, fast, and hack-able.
Wodan Gaming, the name of this blog, is a play on "Wodan", the old Germanic pagan god who's norse equivalent is more immediately recognizable (as Odin), and my name, Dan. implying this blog will impress you through the imperative "Woah!".
Thank you for stopping by.
Update 2022: I've renamed this blog from Wodan Gaming to Surface Level Games. Read more about that here: Enter the Robotic Topologist
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